So my mother and mother-in-law make this FANTASTIC dessert called a Derby or Kentucky Derby Pie. It is basically a chocolate chip pecan pie, and tis the best thing that ever came out of the South (besides collard greens, of course).
Most desserts I try to veganize fail the first few times. I often give up or just wait a few months to try it again because I'm not a dessert person, and if I have sweets lying around, I or my darling sweet tooth of a Hubby will devour them within a couple of days.
This confection, however, is a family favorite. And because it's been so long since we've had one of mom's famous Derby pies, we decided to make one ourselves.
I cannot give out our family's secret recipe, but if you are interested, I'm sure Google can appease you.
To veganize, simply substitute Ener-G for eggs and Smart Balance vegan substitute for margarine.
We started with dry...

Added in the wet ingredients...


And ATE!

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