The thing about Patton is he thinks he's still a puppy. And yes, he gets away with just about everything. We started off with a rule that he couldn't get on the sofa or bed. Well, life's just too short. He's a snuggle bug, and so are we, so now we allow him up on the sofa or bed only if he's with us.

He's also been having light tremors, which seem to be getting much better with medication, but that also changed things around here. If he wants to snuggle, by golly he's gonna snuggle.
Matt leaves for work early, and like clockwork, Pookie jumps up in bed with me.

In the past, when I've been ill, he's stayed in bed with me all day. He knows to give me space, but will lift his head and check on me. The best love bug ever.
And of course, every day when Matt gets home from work, he has to climb on the sofa. He loves his daddy!! During our Sunday marathon of Two and a Half Men, Puppin and Papa snoodle:

I caught Papa Bear asleep sitting up. They are stinking cute.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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