
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Quinoa Marinara

Last night we tried a new dish. I love anything with marinara, and we should be eating more high protein foods than pasta (sigh), so I decided on Quinoa Marinara!

First I processed all ingredients for the marinara, and simmered:

Then I cooked the quinoa (pronounced "keen-wah"). You really should try it! It's great as a breakfast food, replacing grits. Also I make casseroles with it as well as stuffed bell peppers. Just look for this box, it's usually in the organic section:

So versatile and so darn scrumptious!

Then I sautéed orange and red peppers with some capers, later combining them with the quinoa.

And when all the eyes of the stove are preoccupied, how does one steam broccoli? Like this, of course:

Add a tablespoon of water to chopped broccoli, with a few sprinkles of Mrs. Dash. Then cover and microwave for five minutes.

And of of course we must have a glass of German wine with our meal.

And then...

TADA! A delicious protein and nutrient rich vegan meal for two :)

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Matt and I love to joke about this, implying steroid use. And really, I guess the vegan life is kind of like life on steroids. We get more vitamins than anyone else, more nutrients, and we are healthier. Is that a stretch? Well, you get my point.

Juicing is a great way to get a load of the good stuff in one simple glass.

Back in the 90's I saved up my allowance and babysitting money to buy my mom a juicer for her birthday. It was of those "I'll get to use it" gifts ;) Even then I was hooked on infomercials. But I bought it, and she never used it.

Fast forward fifteen or so years, and guess what I inherited? Mom's juicer! She shipped it to us because she never used it, and Matt and I were craving the nutritional value of fresh juice.

Whata beauty!

Well this morning I made the most delicious juice from the contents below:

I don't drink coffee, but I can imagine the rush I got from this delectable juice is comparable.

Scrumptious! I can't wait to start using spinach and broccoli :)

And if you've read "Skinny Bitch" you know that it's important to consume your fruit in the AM. What better way? The only downside I've found is cleaning the juicer. But I'm sure they've come leaps and bounds since our dinosaur.

So tomorrow morning, start the day off with a glass of juice. It's like dessert for breakfast!

Turk'y Burgers

One of Matt's favorite foods is turkey. I know he misses it sometimes, so I decided to try a new product by Morningstar.

I had an event last night, so it was up to the husband to prepare dinner. He works all day, so I wanted to make it easy for him. Plus, I figured he'd really like this one :)

Of course we had to add veggies:

It was absolutely delicious! I couldn't have asked for a better turk'y burger!

Now, to something that needs to be addressed, especially for broccoli nights.

As one becomes a vegan, they notice one less exciting side effect. Let's just face the facts here people, a high plant diet leads to more gas. It's gross, yes, but it happens.

I'm sure most people would say it's natural and to just go with it. My husband and I beg to differ. There are plenty of products out there that offer gas relief, but we like to try the natural approach more often than not in the Cole household. Well, yesterday I found an amazing product!

It suppresses gas with natural enzymes. And we've used regular GasX before, but this works even better!

And while we're on a foul note. Frequent bowel movements are a good thing. Inconvenient at times, it's true, but it is very healthy Thank your new lifestyle for that!

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Vegan Sloppy Joes

This is my absolute favorite meal, and I've shared it on the other blog, so please disregard if you've already seen it.

Every once and I while I crave something meaty. Sloppy Joes are a comfort food I used to indulge in growing up. We would usually have mashed potatoes and english peas as sides, and I would always clean my plate.

This recipe is a prime example of how to convert your favorite dishes to accompany your new diet.

First, set your oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Then peel one medium size sweet potato for every two people.

Cut into steak fries, and then toss with 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil and whatever seasoning you prefer. Rosemary is also an amazing herb, and adds a sophisticated taste to a childhood favorite.

Bake about 20 minutes, or until tender or crispy. Whichever you prefer.

Then sauté one red bell pepper and green or yellow onion.

After a couple of minutes, add frozen or thawed veggie crumble and Rotel, then cover and let simmer for about 7 minutes.

Add a can of tomato paste and then fill it half with water and add it to the pan. Simmer for another 7 minutes or so.

Then it's ready! I always top one slice of whole wheat bread with the sloppy mixture to make an opened face sandwich with tomato slices.

Add a side of your favorite green, and you have a super delish meal!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Vegan 101

I've been wanting to start this blog for a while, so let's get the ball rolling!

I'm sure there are a lot of vegetarians out there wondering how the heck they are going to give up cheese, milk and ice cream (I'm drooling all over my keyboard). Well, it's a struggle. But just as it took work to become a vegetarian (because let's face it, everyone likes chicken fingers), it's a little difficult to transcend into veganism.

I still have issues. I'm just gonna lay it out there - I had lasagna with cheese last night. Yup, I sure did. My friend Emily made her famous lasagna and I'll be darned if I'm gonna pass it up, or chance insulting her. And it was delicious!

But then I felt a little guilty. But this is a process, right? It's hard to quit cold tofurkey. And if someone is nice enough to cater to my meat-free needs, why be rude and snub a delicious looking lasagna?

So my rules are currently to cook only vegan (though my husband, Matt, adds cheese and occasionally chicken to his meals), but if I'm at someone's home and they present a bowl of mac and cheese before me, I will respectfully accept the offering, amidst intense salivating. But meat is an absolute no go for me (though a month ago I tried escargot; it was on my bucket list, I had to! the shame!) .

But this is what's so cool about your lifestyle. It's just that - yours. So you may feel it's OK for you to eat grilled snapper if it's cooked for you by someone else.

And you will find some things are difficult to give up, while others are easy peasy. For me it's honey, ranch, cheese, and ice cream that are torturous. Milk wasn't a big deal, since I converted to soy a while back. But it's not as hard as you'd think, because there are plenty of alternatives. For example, replace honey with agave, ice cream with rice dream, eggs with Ener-G egg replacer. Also, Tofutti is a great brand for diary replacements.

Progress at your own speed. Or, just start with the a term coined by famous author Kathy Freston, "veganish". Which brings me to resources :)

I'm a newbie at becoming a Veganista, so of course I had to read a few books. And I have plenty on my to-read list:

1) "Appetite For Reduction", Isa Chandra Moskowitz

Anything by Isa Moskowitz is phenomenal, but this is the first I've read. She also has "Veganomicon", "Vegan with a Vengeance", "Vegan Brunch", and the two I'm looking forward to reading the most - "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World" and "Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar". She's witty, knowledgeable, and so fluffin' creative! After reading this book, I knew I'd be fine.

2) "The Veganist", Kathy Freston

She helped Oprah go vegan!   I saw her on that episode and knew I'd have to read her books. Besides "The Veganist", she has written "Quantum Wellness"and "The Quantum Wellness Cleanse". Check out her website: http://kathyfreston.com/. I am absolutely obsessed!

3) "What to Eat", Marion Nestle

This is the first book I read that made me seriously consider giving up diary. Marion Nestle is highly regarded in the nutrition community, and has plenty of books out that one might find helpful.

4) "Skinny Bitch", Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin

Ridiculously awesome. I love the attitude! Former models become modern vegans, and you can't help to want a little bit of what they're having.

5) "Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism", Melanie Joy, PhD

Again, just another book that puts it all into perspective. During my vegetarian days I didn't see the harm in a pair of leather shoes or a nice Coach purse. I mean, really? I wouldn't even eat animals, but I'd wear them. This tome helped change my tone.

So that's a pretty good intro to those of you just starting out.

Good luck! I know you can do it!

what in the world is this blog about!?

Hi there! I decided to create this blog after overwhelming my other blog, dedicated to my family and our travels, with vegan knowledge. Not everyone appreciated it, and that's understandable. So here I am, with a blog dedicated to my evolution into a Veganista.

A little background on me:

My entire life I have preferred vegetables to meat. I have never enjoyed a steak, hamburger, or any type of pork. Through my childhood and adolescent years I flirted with vegetarianism. I never really committed because of my love for seafood and chicken.

My Junior year of college I worked for The Auburn University Sustainability Initiative, dedicated to fighting climate change. It was there that I learned about the glory of farmer's markets, organic delights, and creating a healthy diet for myself, as well as mother earth.

About two years ago, I finally made the switch to vegetarian, and noticed how healthy and alive I felt. It was hard at first, as I adored Chick-Fil-A grilled sandwiches, but I learned to abstain. And through this, I saw I had the will power to change my life in other ways.

My husband and I also watched "Food Inc" and it cleared away any doubts I had about my new lifestyle choice. Then I started reading book after book on the benefits of vegetarianism, and I knew I would never go back.

But the icing on the dairy-free cake was the adoption of our dog, Patton. He has completely changed my life in so many ways, but the most telling to me is that by looking into his precious eyes, I know I can never eat another animal.

That brings me to my current situation. A few weeks ago I decided to go all the way. Full fledged vegetarian, or as it is more commonly known, vegan. A vegan diet consists of no animal products. I'm still learning the ropes, as yesterday I discovered that honey is not vegan. I think that's the hardest thing for me, though at first I thought it would be cheese.

So why vegan? I mean, isn't giving up animal flesh enough? For most people, of course. But there are many reasons I chose to become a vegan.

First of all, my health. I mean, cause it is all about me, right? Ha! Studies show that diets low in or free of animal products are consistent with lower risks of heart disease, hyper-tension, obesity, and many forms of cancer. But let's be vain for a minute. If you are a woman, you know how hard it is to lose weight, and then keep it off. As a sixteen year-old I had the metabolism of a rabbit. (Note to self, learn how to bottle adolescent metabolism, and make billions).

But seriously, you work so hard to lose that weight, and then cheat a couple of times with ice cream, which leads into two slices of cake, which ends up being an entire pizza. And I'm speaking from personal experience.

Erase the dairy products and what do you have? Well, you probably wouldn't eat all of those things. But, you could make the vegan alternative. And though you should still consume all treats in moderation, they are substantially better for you! There are so many baking and cooking alternatives out there, and I will address that in this blog. But to wrap this point up, I chose vegan first and foremost for my health.

Second, for our furry (scaly and feathered) friends. I forced myself to watch "Food Inc" and other videos on meat processing. After thousands of tears, I vowed to remember my baby, Patton, and steer clear of meat. Some people say,"Well, they're just animals. They don't think or feel". Really? Do you have a pet? What makes your dog/cat/snake/insert family friend here any different than a cow or a chicken? I challenge everyone to watch "Food Inc" and "Temple Grandin", along with clips of slaughter, if you feel up to it. I don't even want to address what these animals go through, because I'm on the brink of tears as I type this. But even if you think my lifestyle is a bunch of hokum, please connect with your food. It's easier to disconnect from any feelings so you can enjoy a nice meal, but I can promise you won't feel the same after watching a precious animal get slaughtered. Your hamburger is not just a sandwich. It once lived, more often than not, a very painful life to become your lunch.

And along with animals and personal health, I became a vegan for the well-being of the planet. This may be one of the most important points, seeing as we only have one. Raising cattle, chickens, fish, what have you, has a detrimental effect on the earth. From methane production, to pollution from processing plants into water sources, to the grain and water used to raise animals for their meat or by products. It's absurd how illogical it is to raise cattle like soy or corn, and so unsustainable.

Now I know PETA has a reputation to the displeasure of many, but please just take a look at this fact sheet for a second:

That kind of brings it all into perspective.

But I digress...

I became a vegan for several reasons, and not every vegan has the same views. But if you are looking to embark on a new adventure, like me, into a world of health and enlightenment, welcome!

I look forward to trying new recipes (especially baked goods!!) and posting them on the blog. The funniest part about trying new things is that you will inevitably screw something up. And my guinea pig, I mean, husband, will be beyond honest with me. So it should be interesting :)
